About Us


Like branches of a tree, our lives may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.

The alumni play a significant role in the functioning and success of any academic institution by supporting developmental activities and being role models for the promising students of the upcoming batches. Jagannath University has been nurturing young minds for past so many years with the belief that "The heart of education is the education of the heart.", and this is what keep us connected. It gives all of us a feeling of deep pride when we see that our Alumni is doing wonderful and moving ahead in their careers. Whether working with some corporate or on their own our alumni have always made us proud. Our great family constituting of various departments of the university, faculty, students and the alumni is moving ahead as a solid body to take care of and support each other. The gaps are diminishing, communication amongst each other building up with smooth consistency.

The objective of developing this portal is to capture the indomitable force of the alumni and to facilitate the interaction between the alumni and the University further strengthening the bond.

This portal will be taken care by the University Alumni Cell, which has been created with the purpose of providing a linkage between the Alumni and their alma mater. Alumni Cell urges all the Alumni to become a part of this growing family and work towards further betterment of the fellow Alumni, university and society as a whole.