Shudhansu Kumar

Shudhansu Kumar
Shudhansu Kumar
B.Tech. - M.Tech.
Batch : 2011-2016

Tell Us About Yourslf : My name is Sudhansu Kumar , Founder and Director of The NAKSHA. I have had my hands into multiple ventures in past few years. Some prospered and some failed but in a nutshell all this hard work has brought me closer to my ultimate motive of what I really want out of life.

Key Driving Force to Become an Entrepreneur : There is no golden rule to become a successful Entrepreneur, because Success is journey not a destination. The aim has to be big, so that the motivation will be intact. Entrepreneur who have establish their empire on their own keep pushing the envelope of their capabilities.

How University Helped You in Your Personal and Professional Development : University has been the opportunity of a lifetime and even that is an understatement. Forever grateful to my University for giving me the character I need to keep building the brain I need to keep expanding. I will treasure this for the rest of my life. I never imagined that I would be able to make as much progress as I have.

What Things Make You Feel Proud To Be Associated With Jagannath University As Alumni : I feel extremely proud to be associated with Jagannath University because its one of the best universities in Jaipur which endowed its faculty and students with modern technologies, facilities and resources.

What Skills According To You A Student Should Possess To Become A Successful Professional : The ability to think critically is must for future success in a changing world. It is about thinking independently, responsibly and productively. Life is fluid – sometimes it's a stream, sometimes river and sometimes a tidal wave. Learn to keep your head above all of it.